Mastering Polite English for Work and Play

Get people to respect and like you more
Instructed by: Cerys Vaughan | Subject: Language, English

Mastering Polite English for Work and Play [Udemy Course]


Our courses are extremely popular. Our other course "Polite English in Forty Minutes" (by the same instructor, Cerys Vaughan) got 1,000 students in the first 5 days.


  1. You will be able to speak and write English much more politely.
  2. You will find it easier to find work, impress native speakers, get taken more seriously, make people like you more, help diffuse confrontations, show more respect, complain without getting an angry response, get people to say "Yes" to your requests, express difficult emotions without causing conflict, ask someone out on a date, compliment someone and much more.
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