Periscope: Use Periscope To Grow Your Business In 2017 [Free Coupon]

A-Z Guide to Create Your Social Media Marketing Funnel Using Periscope! Grow Your Social Media Community, Sell More!
Instructed by: Diego Davila | Subject: Marketing, Social Media Marketing

Periscope: Use Periscope To Grow Your Business In 2017 [Udemy Course]


Social Media Marketing Funnel from Scratch with Periscope! The Complete Guide to help you create your Social Media Marketing Funnel from Scratch! People only buy products from companies or people that they know, if your prospects does not know you, they wont buy from you. That's how the human mind works. That's why is so important to create a relationship with your prospects before they became customers. Most people (and companies) do not use all the tools they have today available for FREE, most of the Social Media platforms are totally free today, and you can use that to your advantage. In this course you will learn how to create a complete Social Media Marketing Funnel step by step, and how to use that to create that important relationship with your prospects.


  1. Create a Complete Marketing Funnel Step by Step
  2. Increase your Social Media presence
  3. Promote your Brand, your Company, your Product Online
  4. How to use Periscope like a Pro!
  5. Have a Landing Page and Opt-in Page
  6. Start collecting customer's emails to create your Autoresponder sequence
  7. Have a method to make money using your email list
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