Getting Started With Ansible: Key Concepts for Beginners [Free Course]

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Instructed by: Linux Academy | Subject: IT & Software, Network & Security

Getting Started With Ansible: Key Concepts for Beginners [Udemy Course]


If you have heard all the buzz around the Ansible Configuration Management tools and are wondering what they are and how to get started using them, then this course is for you. Although Ansible (and configuration management in general) are large topics, we will distill them down to just the information you need to know to get started using it. Within this set of video demonstrations, you will learn how to install Ansible, configure it for use on your local system, create and run playbooks, understand YAML structure in playbooks, how to run ad hoc commands against your host inventory and take advantage of the Ansible Module documentation. Once you have completed the course, you will be well on your way to implementing Ansible for Configuration Management in your environment!


  1. How to Explore and Read the Ansible Documentation
  2. Ansible Installation and Basic Configuration
  3. Run Ad Hoc Ansible Commands
  4. Understanding Ansible Playbook Structure with YAML
  5. Gather Remote System Facts
  6. Use Variable Substitution in Playbooks
  7. Taking Advantage of the 'Debug' Module
  8. Use Notifications and Handlers
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