Creation Nutrition - An Anti-Diet Lifestyle For Your Goals [Free Coupon]

The Creation Nutrition Plan is designed for you to create your own plan based upon many variables. You are the creator!
Instructed by: Jeremy Belter | Subject: Health & Fitness, Nutrition

Creation Nutrition - An Anti-Diet Lifestyle For Your Goals [Udemy Course]


The Creation Nutrition Plan is all about eating based upon you. The course is all about a lifestyle that focuses on your major goals. It is for anyone that wants to learn about nutrition psychology and physiology. In our society filled with so many different authorities on what to eat.... What if you are the authority? What if you decide and create a plan based on your variables? This is a plan designed with you in mind. In the end this plan is all about a lifestyle that can be used in many different ways. It is all about you being a creator and learning what will work for you. Weather you want to be healthier, gain weight, lose weight, or have specific functional (performance goals) the Creation Nutrition Plan is for you.


  1. Create a nutrition plan for themselves
  2. Learn the psychology of eating
  3. Learn what 70-90 nutrition means
  4. Action plan and tips and ideas for eating
  5. Science of nutrition
  6. Pitfalls for reaching goals
  7. Ideas on how to be healthier, more fit and much more
  8. Exercise routine and warm up routine and much more
  9. Bonus section that will include information from other programs
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