Ember 2 Fundamentals [Free Coupon]

Learn the core concepts of Ember JS
Instructed by: Noah Peden | Subject: Development, Programming Languages

Ember 2 Fundamentals [Udemy Course]


Ember.js is a popular, open-source JavaScript framework that powers a variety of popular platforms, a good example is Apple Music. In this course you will learn the fundamentals of Ember JS. This course will teach you Ember 2 with its routing, templates, add-ons, and more, which makes it easier than ever to create immersive web experiences. You will be introduced to Ember's routers, and models, and how to build a new project from scratch, using templates to create simple pages and dynamically load content with components and helpers. In this course, we will build an app with Ember 2. We will go through everything you need to know starting from the installation process, and going all the way to the deployment stage. By the end of this course, you'll have a good understanding of Ember and you should be able to write develop your own Ember application in the future. By the end of this course, you'll know how the parts of Ember work together, and how to use them to rapidly create your own applications. Add Ember to your tool set by understanding the essential concepts behind the framework, and learning techniques to rapidly build ambitious web applications.


  1. Installing Ember
  2. Loading templates
  3. Learn routes
  4. Installing add-ins
  5. Configuring Ember applications
  6. Much more!
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