Math Explained Easy - Power or Exponents [Free Course]

easy explanations, examples and exercises
Instructed by: Msc. Antonie van Voorden | Subject: Academics, Math & Science

Math Explained Easy - Power or Exponents [Udemy Course]


Power's or exponents are often used in Math. Therefor important to know how to calculate with them. Does exercises seem difficult, but well explained it becomes easy. First we are going to lay a steady basis for you. Understanding exactly what are powers. Afterwards we go one step deeper and we are going to explain the mathematical rules you need to know about powers. This will be a bit more difficult and maybe not needed for you at this moment. The build up of this course is like all my courses. First I will explain something, then give examples and then you have to practise yourself. Is there something you don't understand? I created nice explanation videos in which every question is completely explained. Do you still have questions. You can always reach me, if you have them other students do too so than I can even improve my course material :)


  1. Understand what are powers / Exponents
  2. calculate with Exponents
  3. know the power rules (exponent rules)
  4. Solve exercises like what is 10 squared
  5. Solve exercises like what is 2 to the power of 4
  6. Simplify powers
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