Facebook Ads For Growing Your Expert Business [Free Course]

Get More People To Buy Your Products As Well As Attend Your Webinar, Seminar or Event Using Facebook Ads
Instructed by: Jason Cohen | Subject: Marketing, Social Media Marketing

Facebook Ads For Growing Your Expert Business [Udemy Course]


Facebook Advertising Secrets For Coaches, Consultants and Speakers: The Full Course In this 4 module online course (with bonuses and resources), you get that very system from start to finish. I designed and used it over the years to build my own expert business for me and my clients, and I’ve used it with clients to: Build highly-engaged Facebook communities where people comment, rave about and share every day. Attract a flood of new prospects to their expert businesses as coaches, consultants, speakers and authors. Build engaged, high-quality lists of subscribers quickly (one of our members recently attracted 5,000 views of the videos in just 5 days, another client is getting leads daily for there high £2,000 course and so much more)


  1. Understand facebook advertising
  2. Generate leads
  3. Not have to hire anyone to run ads on facebook
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