How to pray in Islam using Arabic Language [Free Course]

Pray in Arabic and Learn Arabic easily
Instructed by: Radwa Obayd | Subject: Language, Arabic Language

How to pray in Islam using Arabic Language [Udemy Course]


HOW TO PRAY IN ISLAM USING Arabic LANGUAGE is important because it teaches you how to pray in Arabic, many people want to learn Arabic to read Quran or pray correctly using Arabic language. One of the major problems that Muslims face is that they don’t understand Arabic so they pray in English or any other language AND THIS COURSE SOLVES THIS PROBLEM because it explains the process step by step starting from the prayer calling, how to perform wudu , how to pray and what you say after praying all in Arabic ,it also teaches you a lot of Arabic vocabulary and some Arabic Grammar rules that will benefit you in your learning journey , and it is accompanied by audios that will help improve your Arabic pronunciation and textbooks that you can download and study whenever you want.


  1. Pray ( Islamic Prayers) in Arabic easily.
  2. Learn a lot of Arabic vocabulary along the way.
  3. Learn prayers in Arabic in each step starting from Al Athan (calling for prayer) till the end of your prayer.
  4. Learn how to perform Wudu.
  5. Read Arabic prayers from the video and textbooks.
  6. Listen to Arabic prayers from the audios to improve your pronunciation and study them so that you can use them easily
  7. Recite Quran especially the opening chapter (Al Fatiha), and some other chapters from the Quran.
  8. Get a better understanding on what is required to pray a perfect prayer.
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