iOS 10 Swift 3 hands on features - Siri Kit , Messages , ... [Free Coupon]

Build real useful app using the latest iOS 10 and Swift 3 features - Hands on projects, all source codes included.
Instructed by: Yohann Taieb | Subject: Development, Mobile Apps

iOS 10 Swift 3 hands on features - Siri Kit , Messages , ... [Udemy Course]


Hello, My name is Yohann, I will be your instructor. This course is not just about learning programming with iOS 10 and Swift 3. This course unlike any other course, teaches you how to make real useful apps using the new iOS 10 features. We will be using both objective-C and the new Swift 3 language. You will learn how to use the new messages framework where you'll get to make iOS 10 sticker packs. Get to make sticker apps in no time and get to sell them in the new app store called the messages app store which the media has named as the new gold rush, full of opportunities, let's do this together. Then you will learn how to make advanced messages app extensions that where you'll get to customize message conversation changing backgrounds, adding stickers, and animations. Then we will introduce the new iOS 10 Siri Kit. You will get to program Siri to send commands to your app. For example, if you want to send commands to play / pause the video, or start / stop a workout session. Then you will learn how to use Speech recognition. You will make an app that will take your voice from the microphone and automatically translate it into text. Isn't it amazing? Finally, you will learn how to bake app store SEO techniques right within your app to give your app more exposure in the iTunes app store which will drive more downloads and potentially more revenue. As we go through the creation of these apps, you also get to learn Swift 3 as I go over the differences between the old Swift and the new one.


  1. iOS 10 Speech Recognition: Learn how to use Siri's power within your app to get to transcribe audio into text! Also learn how to record the iPhone user's voice and get to turn it into text!
  2. - Stickers is the upcoming gold rush. Learn how to create sticker app extensions for the Messages app. No coding skills required!
  3. - Learn Swift 3 changes. Get an in-depth look at the differences between swift 2 and Swift 3 for common usage, such as Strings, Arrays, Core Graphics, Iteration loops, and much more.
  4. - Finally get to use Siri voice commands to control the iOS app using SiriKit. Learn how to integrate the Siri Kit and How to code responses to Siri commands. Also learn how to add your own words to Siri's vocabulary!
  5. - Build an iOS 10 Message App Extension. Learn how to customize conversations by manipulating text, backgrounds, layouts, links, videos, audio and attachments
  6. - Making your iOS app content searchable within the Home Spotlight and the iTunes app store search tab.
  7. - Technical app store optimization
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