Learn How to Build an Android App [Free Course]

Build an Android App in One Month
Instructed by: One Month | Subject: Development, Mobile Apps

Learn How to Build an Android App [Udemy Course]


One Month Android is the best way to break into the world of Android App Development. Over the course of 30 days, instructor Alfie Hanssen (Director, Engineer, Mobile and TV Apps at Vimeo) will walk you through the process of building a brand new Android app. You'll put together a To-Do List app using Java and the Android Studio. At the end of the month you'll get a finished application you can use on your phone and a crash course in one of the biggest software platforms in the world! Make sure you’re using a Mac with OSX 10.8.5 or above or a Microsoft computer running Windows® 8/7/Vista. Please note that this is an advanced class - Alfie presumes that you will have at least a passing familiarity with the basics of programming and Java when you begin the class!


  1. Build an Android App and debug java code
  2. Understand the fundamentals of the Java programming language
  3. Use the Android Studio IDE and run the Android Virtual Device emulator
  4. Work with the Android SDK APIs and fetch data from a remote web server
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