Learn How to Build a Website with jQuery [Free Course]

Learn jQuery in One Month
Instructed by: One Month | Subject: Development, Web Development

Learn How to Build a Website with jQuery [Udemy Course]


Do you have a website, but can’t figure out how to make it interactive by adding forms, drop-down menus, or filtering lists? Had a hard time trying to learn jQuery or JavaScript in the past? Feeling totally in the deep end? By learning jQuery with One Month you can easily change that. One Month jQuery is a series of video lessons and tutorials that show anyone -- even a total beginner -- how to build four real-world projects that you can add to your website. You will learn how to make your website more interactive and engaging using jQuery. When you sign up, you immediately get access to a member’s area where you can learn jQuery online and take each lesson at your own pace. Through engaging iQuery tutorials, you’ll learn how to interact with the Document Object Model (DOM), use web developer tools, and get started with reading and understanding documentation to help you take the reins of your own projects -- sounds fancy, huh? We promise that it’s not as complicated as it sounds. Each lesson acts as a jQuery tutorial for beginners as we break everything down along the way making it easier than ever to learn jQuery online.


  1. Use jQuery to create interactive sites
  2. Have a better understanding of how JavaScript works
  3. Build real-life jQuery projects, using filtering and local storage
  4. Use the DOM, and work with an external library
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