What mistakes you need to make to succeed in business? [Free Course]

Recommendations to avoid them and practical analysis of my big experience.
Instructed by: Roman Zhur | Subject: Business, Strategy

What mistakes you need to make to succeed in business? [Udemy Course]


Every day in the world, tens of thousands of different businesses are being closed - from small companies of 2 people to big corporations, that are listed in Fortune 500. This figure is growing from year to year, because we live in a very dynamic world with incredible competition almost everywhere. Those, who survive, work further for 2 reasons. The first reason is that they are lucky. Is it a fate, a good coincidence or something else, but it's the fact. They began to do something and do it successfully, according to their will or not. The second reason - they understand what not to do in their case, they understand the weaknesses over which they must work and have made a competent plan of action based on them. It is difficult to survive due to the first reason, since it is impossible to predict whether will you be lucky or not. But it is possible and necessary to survive with the help of second reason, and here everything depends only on ourselves.


  1. You will understand what you MUST NOT do in business.
  2. You will understand WHAT to do to avoid the overwhelming majority of typical and atypical mistakes in business, thereby not losing a lot of time and money.
  3. You will understand how to build a solid and stable foundation, based on which you will be able to build exactly that business that is suitable for you.
  4. You will understand how to rebuild an already existing business in order to avoid many problems in the future.
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