On Page SEO: What Is Google Looking For On Your Site? [Free Coupon]

The Data Driven Approach To Reverse Engineer Page One Rankings
Instructed by: Mehmet Niyazi | Subject: Marketing, Sear

On Page SEO: What Is Google Looking For On Your Site? [Udemy Course]


In this course I'll show you how to create fully optimized pages for your website that stand an excellent chance of ranking well on Google. Follow along step by step as I show all the processes live on my screen. Importantly, everything we do will be based on DATA. I'll show you how to reverse engineer sites that are already ranking well for your targeted keywords so that you can identify how to beat them. Over the series of the videos you'll learn what the most important factors are Google looks for on your pages, and how to set everything up from start to finish so that you outrank your competitors.


  1. analyze competitor sites that are ranking well to see WHY their content is favored by Google
  2. create properly structured content we know search engines will love (based on real DATA)
  3. understand the most important On Page SEO factors so you all your content checks the boxes
  4. discover free tools and resources to help optimize your site content
  5. create processes and checklists to share with VAs or team members
  6. must have plugins (free) to help build authority
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