Fiction Writing: A Complete Novel Outline Chapter by Chapter [Free Coupon]

A Bestselling Course - Learn this Hollywood secret and complete a comprehensive novel outline in as little as 2 weeks!
Instructed by: Mike Dickson | Subject: Business,

Fiction Writing: A Complete Novel Outline Chapter by Chapter [Udemy Course]


Want to write a mystery/thriller/detective novel and publish in the quickest amount of time possible? I thought so. ;) Do you have an idea for a full length novel, but don't know where to start? Do you want to write full-time, quit your day job, and follow your passion, but the dream seems so far away? Have you ever said to yourself, I could write a novel but I don't want it to take me all year! Oh man, you're so in the right spot. I freaking get it. See, I used to be in your shoes. Spending hours per day on writing and seeing little to no progress day after day. Staring at pages and pages of notes full of good ideas, but having virtually no idea what to do with them. Wishing I could write this darn novel already, but feeling overwhelmed at the investment of time and sacrifices to get there. But then, things changed. I developed a system - one that actually worked - in order to turn my ideas in a complete novel outline and eventual manuscript in the shortest amount of time. In less than a year, I was able to write 3 full length novel outlines and manuscripts. In less than two years, I had seven full length novel outlines and manuscripts. Now, I've taken that system, a system used by Hollywood writer's for decades and compiled it into a step by step novel outline called Fiction Writing: A Complete Novel Outline Chapter by Chapter. Brett Bacon published his book after taking this course and the genre will surprise you! Brett took this course and published his first novel titled: The President's Neighbor: Comedy Script. Yes, you read that right. It's a comedy and it's getting great reviews on Amazon! Go to Amazon and search for the title and you'll see Brett took this course and it was a success! Buy it while you're there ;) I did and its a great book, plus you can see how Brett built his story around this outline!


  1. By the end of this course, you will have a comprehensive whodunit mystery novel outline ready for your first draft
  2. You will learn how to stager scenes from character to character to maintain tension
  3. Understand what a comprehensive novel outline should look like to give you the best chance at writing a complete first draft
  4. You will understand character traits and how to use them to create meaningful characters
  5. You will have a comprehensive Whodunit outline that can be modified for future novels
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