Potty Train your Child the Easy Way with the 3 Day Method [Free Coupon]

Tips and tricks for potty training boys and girls
Instructed by: J.D. Rockefeller | Subject: Lifestyle, Parenting & Relationships

Potty Train your Child the Easy Way with the 3 Day Method [Udemy Course]


Did you know that according to a large Philadelphia study only 60 percent of children have achieved mastery of the toilet by 36 months, and 2 percent remain untrained at the age of 4 years? Potty training can be hard, and could require a lot of time. Many times those who succeed at potty training their child are homemakers or those parents who had nannies present in the home, so they were able to follow and complete the training process. Yet, working parents who send their kids to daycare are not able to complete the process, since most daycares are unwilling to take the first step in potty training your child and will simply just use diapers since they are just not able to handle so many 'accidents' in a day given day. Add to this the exorbitant cost of disposable diapers! Potty training may seem challenging to many parents. However, after following the tips and tricks in this course you will be able to potty train your child like a pro!


  1. Acquire Great tips on potty training!
  2. Learn easy tips and tricks to potty train your child
  3. Avoid common errors some parents make when potty training
  4. Learn the difference between potty training a girl vs. potty training a boy
  5. Learn and apply the 3 day potty training method
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