Rapid Prototyping for Entrepreneurs| Build a Demo in 2 hours

Learn how to wireframe and create realistic interactive prototypes in just 2 hours, all without using code.
Instructed by: Evan Kimbrell | Subject: Business, Entrepreneurship

Rapid Prototyping for Entrepreneurs| Build a Demo in 2 hours


What's the difference between an entrepreneur or product manager that finds the right idea, brings stakeholders on board, and effectively communicates their vision and one that doesn't? A prototype. Yes, the ability to make prototypes can work wonders with your startup or organization. A prototype allows you to not just imagine a product, but make it real. No more spreadsheets or vague verbal descriptions. Show your users and your team exactly what you want and get taken seriously. Whether you're a solopreneur or part of a larger organization you need to be able to effectively turn ideas into real, tangible working demos. This course is focused on giving you, the digital professional, the ability to rapidly assemble and deploy working web and mobile prototypes in just a few hours. The best part about this course is that we're going to do it without code. No programming, no technical books to study, no distractions from what you do best.


  1. Understand the benefits and correct usage of prototypes
  2. Understand the basic terminology of web and design speak
  3. Use Sprintkick's product creation framework: Sx5
  4. Efficiently create and articulate a strategy for your product
  5. Outline the scope and specifications of your potential product
  6. Create professional sketches of your product with just a pen and paper
  7. Create "sketch" wireframes with Balsamiq
  8. Used advanced features and export settings in Balsamiq
  9. Create non-sketch wireframes of your idea in Pidoco
  10. Use all advanced features and techniques in Pidoco
  11. Build a sitemap for outlining your product and communicating your project externally
  12. Bring reviewers and collaborators into your design process to accelerate your feedback cycle
  13. Take design assets and convert them into a format that Pidoco can accept
  14. Create a functional and interactive prototype in Pidoco
  15. Present your prototype in the best possible way to investors, team members, and developers
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