Camtasia Studio 9: Become a Video Editing Guru With Camtasia [Free Course]

Camtasia 9: Create Professional Videos For Your Business On Any Occasion with the help of Camtasia 9.
Instructed by: Boost Top | Subject: Teacher Training, Teaching Tools

Camtasia Studio 9: Become a Video Editing Guru With Camtasia


ou’ve come to this page because you're a new Camtasia user, or you have the old version and you're wondering whether you should upgrade. You’re probably tired of buying…. New softwares only have it collect digital dust on your hard drive... A New Application Only to Paralyze You When You actually want to do something with it… A program that everybody says is "awesome" but you're only able to do really basic thing… And you start to wonder how it can be YOU to create the kind of eye-catching videos that get results... Camtasia Nine Makes Video Creation Dead Simple Whether you want to record a simple video, presentation style with a program like Google Sheets or Powerpoint Or you just want to show your customers and prospects some things you're seeing on your screen... Or maybe, you want to take a talking head video with NO screen sharing...just you and your audience You’re probably wondering, if Camtasia makes any of these easy...or easier to do than what you're doing The answer is yes and no. YES, Camtasia has lots of features inside of the program that make it dead simple to do supercool things to make you look like a pro. But all of these cool things are buried inside of the menus and the toolbars, without a prior knowledge of what to look for you could easily go out and buy lots of other video tools...when all along you had it with your copy of Camtasia. What if someone were to take you inside of Camtasia...Really deep inside to show you exactly how to start using it to do the Stuff that guru level video creators do And what if you could pick and choose what you wanted to learn and when you wanted to learn it.


  1. Purchase And Installation
  2. Tools and Menu Options
  3. Recorded Inputs
  4. Tracking Your Progress
  5. Timeline Elements
  6. Using Markers
  7. Quizzes and Surveys
  8. Library Elements
  9. Transitions
  10. Animations
  11. Cursor Effects
  12. Audio Effects
  13. Quizzing and Surveys Expanded
  14. Project Settings
  15. Connecting Your Mobile Device
  16. Batch Production
  17. Custom Production Settings
  18. Screen Capture
  19. Recording PowerPoint
  20. Annotations
  21. Behaviors
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