What I didn't know about Islam [Free Course]

Key Speeches of His Eminence Sheikh Ahmad Kuftaro, the late grand Mufti of Syria,
Instructed by: Godispeace Group | Subject: Personal Development, Religion & Spirituality

What I didn't know about Islam [Udemy Course]


Now, more than ever, the word "ISLAM" denotes many things to many people. This course about expressing very important concepts by one of the most recognized scholars in our modern age. It includes some lectures of His Eminence Sheikh Ahmad Kuftaro, the late grand Mufti of Syria. He actively strived to unite the human family. Since 1940, he had worked hard to achieve a better understanding and cooperation amongst all people, particularly the followers of the heavenly Messages. As a teacher of Islam, Sheikh Ahmad Kuftaro used spiritual and rational education to develop righteous human beings. His message is dedicated to building a civilization on our planet based on the principles of peace, balance, brotherhood, moderation and prosperity.


  1. Understand the basics of Abrahamic Religions, and his eternal role in bringing the World Peace in the 21 Century.
  2. Learning about believer's responsibility of bringing happiness and peace to all creation.
  3. Comprehends the spiritual aspects of the universe.
  4. Effectiveness of believers’ conscience in controlling human behavior
  5. Understands that when man is driven by a true religious inspiration and incentive, he automatically generates within himself the desire towards good.
  6. Know that the solution to man's problems lies in his return to a rational spirituality
  7. Learning about Man's responsibility of bringing happiness and peace and peace to all creation.
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