Create Chatbots using API.AI and deploy on Google Cloud [Free Course]

Learn how to create bots for Skype, Slack, Facebook Messenger, Google Assistant, and Cortana
Instructed by: Nilay Mehta | Subject: Development, Development Tools

Create Chatbots using API.AI and deploy on Google Cloud


AI is Artificial intelligence, Study of intelligent agents and takes actions. Bots are Software application that runs automated tasks and Simulate how a human would behave. API.AI is a site that provides Supports for creating Chatbots. It's primary advantage is that it supports various APIs and SDKs for development. It was Google's product and freely available to use. It was simple to use, and also have proper documents that will helps you if you stuck anywhere. API.AI works on various platforms, we can provide queries in text as well as voice command. API.AI Agent will identify this query and pass to appropriate API.AI Intent, which may give static reply or perform some DB or other operations via fulfillment. And received data will display or play on your device.


  1. Learn API AI for creating bots
  2. Learn how to deploy app on Google Cloud
  3. Create webhooks in various Programming languages
  4. Publish your bots on various Platforms
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