Facebook Marketing: Next Level List Building Strategies [Free Coupon]

Discover how these three Facebook marketing strategies will add thousands of subscribers to your list instantly!!
Instructed by: Sandor Kiss | Subject: Marketing, Social Media Marketing

Facebook Marketing: Next Level List Building Strategies


This course will uncover three advanced strategies in detail, one at a time. The first is conversion tracking. With this powerful tool, you’ll be able to find out what happens after a visitor clicks on a link so you can track your customers’ actions. You’ll learn how to install a conversion tracking pixel on your site, so can start tracking right away. The second strategy is the latest trend in digital marketing: retargeting. This tool allows you to “follow” your audience, so you can focus your advertising on the people that have demonstrated interest in your brand. You’ll learn how to install a retargeting pixel as well. The third strategy, lookalike audiences, will enable you to leverage your current audience so you can reach millions of similar fans, customers, subscribers, and visitors. You can essentially duplicate your audience with this powerful tool. By the time you finish this course, you will be prepared to single-handedly grow your business, increase your revenue, and explode your customer base.


  1. Learn how to grow your email list faster with advanced Facebook marketing strategies
  2. Discover our proven & tested strategies to leverage your visitors, customers and email subscribers to accelerate the growth of your business
  3. Find step-by-step instructions on how to build your list, generate leads and make more sales
  4. Deploy three advanced Facebook advertising features: conversion tracking, retargeting & lookalike audiences
  5. How to use Conversion Tracking to optimize your campaigns
  6. Step-by-step instructions to deploy effective retargeting strategies to re-engage with your website visitors
  7. Why Lookalike Audiences will take your list building to the next level (and how to do it!)
  8. ... and much more!
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