LEADERSHIP Psychology: Master your Decision-Making Skills!

Research Based Decision-making and Problem Solving Facts, Tricks and Strategies; for Leaders and Managers!
Instructed by: Sivakami S | Subject: Personal Development, Leadership


Improve the ROI of all your BIG decisions !! Decision-making and Problem Solving are Leadership and Management skills that are crucial for pretty much everyone !! Learn how research and advances in psychology, cognitive, behavioral science, and behavioral economics can help you make better decisions and analyze/solve problems better as a Leader or Manager. This is probably one of the most unique courses on Leadership Decision Making and Problem Solving not just on Udemy, but anywhere! It has been explained here with a lot of examples and research studies for ease of understanding! This course can help upgrade your Leadership Skills and Management Strategies significantly Learn about the evolutionary context of our decision making, heuristics and biases, and understand how we can optimize our Paleolithic brains to minimize biases and make rational and effective decisions in today's world! This course is essential for all Business Managers and Leaders, as well as everyone else who wants to become a more Informed, Influential and Effective Decision Maker. Recent Inclusion: New bonus short video of Nobel Laureate Professor Kahneman, speaking on the course topic.


  1. Understand how you think, judge and make decisions.
  2. Understand the typical irrationalities and biases that derail your judgements and decisions.
  3. Improve the ROI of ALL your key decisions with some great strategies and de-biasing techniques.
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