Vagrant Quick Start: Virtualized Development Environments

An introduction to setting up and managing development server virtual machines using Vagrant, Virtual Box, and Linux
Instructed by: Jason Taylor | Subject: Development, Development Tools


Introduction provides an overview for the course, cover the core concepts for Vagrant, how to get the course materials. Quick Installation provides streamlined, fast instructions on how to setup Vagrant, VirtualBox, and other tools needed for the rest of the course on both Windows and Mac platforms. See the Bonus section for full installation processes. Quick Start walks through the basics of using Vagrant and how to version control (using Git) a project using Vagrant. Boxes covers how to find, manage and use Vagrant boxes. Provisioning covers how to write shell provisioners to automatically install software when Vagrant first runs or on demand. Students write a real shell script to provision Tomcat in their Vagrant managed virtual machines. Conclusion has some final thoughts on Vagrant. Bonus! sections provide comprehensive, step-by-step installation processes for both Windows and Mac OS X.


  1. Create automatic, reliable, repeatable, easy to use, and versioned development environments
  2. Write provisioning scripts to automatically setup Vagrant managed environments
  3. Solve the development box setup problem
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