Balanced Scorecard: Master Your Data Driven Performance

Simplify Your Business Strategy and Increase Your Performance Using This Data Driven Tool
Instructed by: Warren Chalklen | Subject: Business, Data & Analytics


The contents of this course are all based on my work experience as a Policy Analyst in The Office of the Presidency of South Africa, founder of Grow2Lead, a leadership and non-profit organization in South Africa and a Data Associate for a leading Education nonprofit in New York City. I received a PhD from Texas A&M University and a Master's degree in Public Administration from the Bush School of Government. This course ties together both my theoretical knowledge and practical experience in a dynamic, practical and applicable way.


  1. Define a Balanced Scorecard
  2. Build a good strategy map
  3. Craft winning Key Performance Indicators (KPI's)
  4. Implement your Balanced Scorecard
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