Database Design

Learn relational database Design with practical concepts and examples. This series works with any database system!
Instructed by: Caleb Curry | Subject: Development, Databases


Whichever database application you use does not matter! This course will cover design concepts for all relational database management systems. This course is designed for those who want to download this course or watch it ad free. This is a course for relational database design.


  1. Learn the definition of relations, tuples, attributes, and over one hundred other vocabulary words!
  2. Learn all of the types of relationships and how to properly design them all within a database. This includes one to one, one to many, and many to many. You will also learn about the difference between a parent table and a child table
  3. Learn about all of the types and categories of keys including superykeys, candidate keys, primary keys, alternate keys, natural keys, surrogate keys, simple keys, compound keys, composite keys, and foreign keys
  4. Learn database normalization. We will be learning the first 3 normal forms of database normalization. This will reduce redundant and incorrect data as well as protect our database integrity
  5. Learn about data, data types, foreign key constraints, and other important concepts used to create the best database
  6. Learn to design a database from beginning to end!
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