Building E-Commerce Shopping Cart Website in PHP & MySQL

Creating E-commerce Shopping Cart Website from scratch in PHP & MySQL
Instructed by: Vivek Vengala | Subject: Development, Web Development


Here I'm going to build a Shopping Cart with these features In FrontEnd Displaying Products and home page and displaying products with categories. Next adding to products cart from home page category page and adding product to cart in multiple quantity from single product page. Next is displaying products added to cart in cart page and also in drop-down menu with checkout link. While user goes to checkout page after adding products to cart. We will check user logged in or not? If user logged in we will allow him to checkout page or else he will be prompted to login or register. If he is a new user, he should register. If he is not a new user, he can login with his login credentials. In checkout page, if the user already has billing details. It will be displayed or else user will be prompted to enter billing details. After that user can choose the payment method and accept the terms his order will be placed. For now, I'm using only Cash On Delivery method. If we use payment gateways, user will be redirected to payment gateway. If he pays we will store transaction id and other information from payment gateway provider into our database. Customer can submit reviews to product, customer can submit only one review per product.


  1. You will be able to build web applications in PHP
  2. You will be able to create E-commerce Shopping website
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