Maximise your Instagram Results with the right Statistics

Learn all about the Instagram target audience, trends, hashtags, filters and enjoy some best practises from real experts
Instructed by: Philip Hofmacher | Subject: Marketing, Social Media Marketing


To truly master Instagram one has to first understand how this platform works. In this course you will get an clear insight in... who is the target audience for Instagram who should be present on Instagram what kind of brands are perfect for Instagram what and how to use hashtags in the right way what filters perform best how much money is spent an advertising who are the most successful persons and brands Join this course to built a solid foundation for your success on Instagram, because without understand a platform you can't dominate it.


  1. market products successfully on Instagram
  2. understand the dos and don't of Instagram
  3. know what hashtags, filters and trends are popular in 2017
  4. who the biggest brands and people are on Instagram
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