Beginners' guide to software containerization and Docker

Learn skills with rising demand. Learn about evolution of software, containers and Docker. Install and run Docker.
Instructed by: Manuj Aggarwal | Subject: IT & Software, IT Certification


It’s been a few years since Marc Andreessen, the found of Mosaic and Netscape - coined the phrase software is eating the world. But indeed it is true today. , the idea that “every company needs to become a software company” is considered almost a cliché. No matter your industry, you’re expected to be reimagining your business to make sure you’re not the next local taxi company or hotel chain caught completely off guard by your equivalent of Uber or Airbnb. Doing business in the 21st century means embracing a world where software quite literally powers everything—from televisions to cars, and from social media to banking systems. In the mean time Software development has seen a paradigm shift in the last few decades.


  1. Learn about containerization of applications
  2. Learn about Docker
  3. Installation of Docker
  4. Basic Docker commands
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