Intro to Fix & Flip and Rental Income Property Analysis

Learn the fundamentals of real estate investment analysis for fix & flips and rental income property investments.
Instructed by: Symon He | Subject: Business, Real Estate


Are you sick and tired of real estate "systems" that turn out to just be a hard sell for another "system"? Tired of "no money down get rich like me" real estate investing "secrets" from real estate "gurus" that leave you filled with nothing but marketing fluff? Do you just want to know what REAL real estate investment analysis is all about? If you want to learn the fundamentals of real estate investing and how to actually evaluate investment opportunities the way professional investors do, keep reading. I can't promise I'll help you get rich, own a yacht and two Ferraris. But I can teach you some serious real estate investment analysis techniques.


  1. Confidently evaluate fix & flip investment opportunities
  2. Confidently evaluate rental income property investment opportunities
  3. Use professional grade investment models to evaluate their own flip or rental deals
  4. Understand the core concepts of real estate investing
  5. Understand professional real estate investment strategies and techniques
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