Sales Skills Success Vol. 2: The Ultimate Selling Shortcuts

20 Persuasion Hacks to Close Sales Faster - Sales Techniques and Strategy For Selling to Reluctant Buyers - Cold Calling
Instructed by: Ken Wells | Subject: Business, Sales


Elite salespeople sell in a way that is different from average and even good salespeople… Their methods may seem strange and wouldn’t even be recognized by most… ...but to get unusually good results, you’ll need unusual methods because amazing results are not common… In this course, you’ll discover 20 sales shortcuts that will allow you to close sales faster, with less effort..less resistance and have way more fun doing.


  1. SELL the way your prospects actually buy...not the way they say they buy
  2. TURN prospect interest into a buyer's commitment
  3. INFLUENCE your prospect's even when you're not around
  4. UNCOVER your prospect's true questions, concerns and objections quickly
  5. CREATE buying moods in your prospect in a couple minutes
  6. BUILD rapport quickly using an underutilized technique
  7. ENHANCE your prospect's experience of your presentation
  8. OVERCOME your prospect's buying defenses with invisible techniques
  9. CRAFT vivid and compelling presentations that deeply influence
  10. MOTIVATE your prospects to buy right now by tapping into the hidden engines of decision making
  11. CAPTURE your prospect's complete attention and remove distractions to the sales process
  12. CONVERT objections into agreement
  13. REMOVE buyer's remorse and reduce refunds
  14. AVOID unnecessary stalling and hesitation in your prospects
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