Amazon Affiliate Sites: The A-Z Guide; 250+ Videos; 17.5 Hrs

Create amazon affiliate marketing sites -100% white hat SEO principles. SEO 101, advanced SEO, silos and ranking tips
Instructed by: The SEO Academy Leaders in SEO education | Subject: Marketing, Affiliate Marketing


If you have always wanted to build profitable affiliate sites but could not find a guide that explained the whole process to you, this is the answer you have been looking for. This series of video lectures covers just about everything you need to know about building amazon affiliate sites that generate commissions every month like clock work. Creating these sites is possibly one of the easiest ways to start and setup an online business. Niche research, keyword research, site structure for siloed sites and niche sites, basic SEO, advanced on page SEO and link building. You will not find a course on the market that covers as much material as this course does - even most courses that cost several $1000 do not have half the information that's covered in this course. The numerous worked examples will help you understand exactly how to choose profitable niches, what to look for while selecting keywords, how to develop content and build the site. You are sure to be blown away by the material that's covered in the advanced SEO section. There is simply no other course on the market that covers what worked now in as much details as this course does. The approach adopted here is 100% white hat. If you build your amazon affiliate sites like it is detailed here, you will not have to worry about any future Google updates that target spam sites and shady link building practices. Here you will see how to build 100% white hat sites that can dominate the SERPs for 10s, if not 100s of keywords with minimal link building. While this may sound hard get started with initially, the numerous step by step worked examples will show you all you need to know to build these sites yourself. And you will see how simple all of this really is once you know the key concepts and have seen all of the steps. You will see how to get your sites generating revenues month after month almost like clockwork. Making money with amazon associates and creating successful sites is easy - once you know how. And you will get to see every step of the process in this course. This course has been designed with beginners in mind - people who have never done any online advertising or SEO or even setup Wordpress sites ever. It will hold your hand and show you every step you need to take to generate an income online with these simple sites. This course would be good even for affiliates who already have revenue generating sites and are looking for proven tips to increase their earnings. These sites comply with amazon's official policies - these are not black hat sites that are here today and gone tomorrow. This approach does is not about building a store on amazon - this is purely about building 100% white hat associates sites. And the two approaches are entirely different from each other. Introduction What is affiliate marketing? In a nutshell, affiliate marketing is about sending traffic to a vendor’s site. The vendor will pay you a commission if the people you send to their site buy anything they may happen to be selling. Amazon is one such vendor that has a very, very popular affiliate program. Amazon - and its subsidiaries in several countries - will pay you commissions for sales you generate through your website. For this to happen, you will need to have a site ranking high in Google and other search engines. These high rankings will mean folks who are searching for products will see your website in Google's search results, click on your website, read your article - and then hopefully click on your affiliate link, go to amazon and buy one or more products. Since they clicked on your affiliate link and landed on amazon, your site acted as a bridge between Google and amazon. And since you sent them to amazon, you will get a commission for products they might buy while on the site. This is what affiliate marketing is all about. You create websites, rank those sites on Google and other search engines, get traffic to your site - and send your visitors to the merchants site. In this case, the merchant is amazon. And you get paid commissions for whatever the people you sent to the merchant's site buy. But before you will be able to build such websites that rank high on Google, you will need to learn SEO - or search engine optimization. SEO is the process of getting organic - or free - traffic from Google and other search engines. Without a sound knowledge of the various SEO techniques and principles, you will not be able to rank your websites in the search engines and get any organic traffic to your sites. Which is why a large part of this course is about SEO. All aspects of SEO are discussed in this course - from the fundamentals of SEO to advanced SEO concepts like silos that can help your pages rank with hardly any external backlinks.


  1. Amazon affiliate marketing
  2. Build amazon affiliate sites that earn commissions every month from free search engine traffic. .
  3. How to choose a niche for your amazon affiliate site
  4. Very detailed tutorials on how to do keyword research - and find keywords low competition that will rank in Google's top 10 with minimal external backlinks
  5. Silo architecture - see how silos are designed and built. Silos can help you rank any type of site a lot better in Google
  6. How to plan, design and build niche sites
  7. Exactly how to choose domain names that are not penalized. Unless you know how to do this right, it's possible that your site will not perform well in Google
  8. Building a WordPress website - you get to see exactly how to use WordPress to build affiliate marketing sites
  9. Building a WordPress website - you get to see exactly how to use WordPress to build affiliate marketing sites
  10. Implementing silos in WordPress
  11. SEO 101 - basics of search engine optimization
  12. A look at the important SEO factors and how they can help your affiliate site rank higher in Google
  13. Advanced on page SEO - This is how you can make your affiliate marketing website rank higher in the Google SERPs
  14. Site speed: Making your site load fast. See exactly how to optimize your WordPress site for speed
  15. Link building tips - see how you can build links to your site
  16. The real "secret" to ranking high in Google - this is what really matters
  17. Building sites in amazon niches that pay higher commissions
  18. Detailed, step by step worked examples - see how the entire process is performed
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