Story-Selling: Email & Content Marketing That'll Boost Sales

Business & personal communication is important. Storytelling results in more sales, higher conversions & more leads.
Instructed by: Zach Miller | Subject: Business, Email Marketing


The purpose of this course is to share clear and specific ways to make your email & content more effective when it comes to your bottom line... REVENUE. Take this course because you're tired of talking theory, and want to improve at what you do. Or, because you want to add more to your next conversation. Use my sound bites or create your own. Expect to learn more and quickly because course is split into 2 sections lessons averaging 60 minutes each. Each lesson contains a minimum of 3 things you can do now to make your content stronger. The course is produced by me, so it's fun, heavy on the visuals, and shares most of its lessons via stories. It's designed to inspire, but more importantly to leave you with specific things you can start doing (as early as today) to make your content work harder for you.


  1. You'll know the Perfect Email Sequence
  2. You'll know the Attractive Character and it's Archetypes
  3. You'll know the SOAP Email Sequence
  4. You'll know the SEINFELD Email Sequence
  5. You'll learn what a Value Ladder is and how to make one for yourself
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