The Complete Android Bootcamp Course - Material Design UI/UX

Learn Java and Android Development From Scratch - Build Material Design Apps - Learn UI/UX and Become Android Rockstar
Instructed by: Paulo Dichone | Subject: Development, Mobile Apps


Why this Course? Why is this the best Course To Learn Android Development Build Material Design Apps? Well, if you are here is probably because you've either looked online for Android development tutorials, or maybe watched a lot of youtube videos and still can't really grasp core Android Development Principles. You see, out there on the Internet, you can find a lot of information, but the problem is that everything is scattered around and very frustrating to actually learn the right way since all you get is fragments of information. This is where this this course shines - it takes you from nothing to actually building amazing Android Apps, and MOST importantly, you'll learn the Ins and Outs of Java Programming Language along the way. With the knowledge you gain from this course you can build any Android Application you want! You will be able to master the app creation process, how to design stunning application using Material Design principles, how to leverage the Android OS and build amazing applications in no time!


  1. Build robust UI/UX Material Design Apps
  2. Learn Java and Android Development
  3. Build Android Apps Using Android Fragments
  4. Use Android Material Design Animations for better User Experience
  5. Build Apps that Consume RESTful APIs
  6. Build Apps for Android Phones and Tablets
  7. Build Apps that Use Google Maps and Location
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