Dropshipping with Aliexpress: Build and Launch your Store!

Build a Shopify Dropshipping Store using Aliexpress and Advertise with Facebook!
Instructed by: Eric Lafleche | Subject: Business, Ecommerce


This Course is for individuals or business partners looking to make an passive income online and own a side or full time business that will take them away from their corporate 9 to 5. The Store does not require any physical inventory and allows the owner to operate it from anywhere in the world. Now for some this will be a full time business and others just a side hustle project for extra income. Either way this course is for you! It will help you take the first steps towards independents. The course will take you step-by-step through each level of what it takes to set up a Drop Shipping Store Using Shopify, Dropshipping Plugins and your supplier, Aliexpress. You will learn how to open your Shopify account, connect it with Aliexpress, build trust with your potential audience and sell your first product. We will walk through the different Shopify Applications you will need to install to build a legitimate dropshipping store. Finally we will walk through setting up a Facebook Advertising Campaign to drive traffic to your store and Retargeting Campaigns to reengage with the audience that did not purchase a product. All you will need for this course is a few days, the determination to take the action needed to get up and running, an internet connection, and a few dollars to cover the cost of the Shopify account and applications(I will provide you a free trail in the resources).


  1. Build and launch a successful Dropshipping Course
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