Create Custom WordPress Themes from Scratch

How to Edit PHP, CSS, and HTML code in Wordpress
Instructed by: One Month | Subject: Development, Web Development


One Month WordPress is the best way to learn WordPress. I've been developing WordPress themes for over 10 years, and in that time I've created WordPress themes for The Black Eyed Peas, General Assembly, Toyota, Aldo, Agency Sacks, and New York Green Roofs. You’ll get to take advantage of all that expertise to develop a WordPress page that’s perfect for you. Who is this WordPress course designed for? If you're a freelance designer, I hope that after this course you can start offering custom WordPress blogs services to your clients. If you're a business owner, I hope that you learn enough to build your own blog from scratch. Whatever your goals are, you'll learn enough so that you can tweak an existing WordPress theme design.


  1. Build a custom WordPress theme using only HTML, CSS, and PHP
  2. Download completed code samples
  3. Know more about how WordPress supports a sizable chunk of websites on the Internet
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