Creating PHP Clean URL's in Apache with HTACCESS

Creating SEO friendly URL's for Web Applications : Demo of Content Management System
Instructed by: Vivek Vengala | Subject: Development, Development Tools


Hello, welcome to this course on creating clean urls in php & apache with htaccess. In this course you will learn about creating clean urls with htaccess in apache server Here I’m using simple content management system application developed in PHP & MySQL. This is home page used to display all the articles and these are category pages to display articles based on specific category. Here you can see the category url I’m going to convert these into clean urls These are the single article pages, here you can see the urls these urls are not good for seo. I’m going to convert them into clean urls only just the title of the article. And also I’ve created a contact page for this page I’m going to remove the php extension.


  1. Creating SEO Friendly Websites & Web Applications
  2. Creating Rules in HTACCESS
  3. Gain Knowledge about HTACCESS
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