Deep Learning & Tensorflow: Neural Networks & AI In Python

Deep Learning Tensorflow: Artificial & Convolutional Neural Networks, Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning In Python
Instructed by: Tech Expert | Subject: Development, Programming Languages


Deep learning and AI is changing the world by the minute and it’s growing at a scary rate! Each discovery and each improvements are important and they are not all made by ‘’geniuses’’, but if you don’t know why deep learning is fundamental, modeling with deep architectures, use reinforcement learning and use TensorFlow, you can’t compete with people already in, discover and create new technologies for the future.


  1. What’s The Difference Between Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, And Deep Learning?
  2. Training And Modeling With Deep Architectures
  3. Deep Learning With MATLAB
  4. Artificial Neural Networks & Convolutional Neural Networks
  5. Deep Learning Models
  6. Boltzmann Machines
  7. Basic Stochastic Structure
  8. The Basic Principles Of Unit State Probability And The Equilibrium State
  9. Hyper Parameters And Regularization
  10. Auto Encoders (Encoder Training)
  11. Tensorflow
  12. Reinforcement Learning
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