Hiring Workflow: How To Build a Superstar Tech Team

Sharing my best practices, learnings, and tools that I used to attract and hire developers from all over the world.
Instructed by: Michal Juhas | Subject: Business, Management


Are you responsible for building a development team? Do you strive for building a team full of A-players? If yes, it’s the right time to learn how we have attracted developers from the US, UK, CZ, SG, TH, VN, AU, NZ… Learn how to semi-automate your recruiting workflow so that you can spend more time reaching out proactively to A-players on LinkedIn or local meet-ups. I have built this course for startup founders and directors to get actionable insights and improve hiring and recruiting workflow quickly.


  1. Bring your hiring workflow to the next level
  2. How to use automated questionnaires
  3. How to shift focus from B-player applicants to A-players
  4. Use JazzHR like a pro!
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