How To Build ChatBot in Facebook Messenger using ManyChat

Build A ChatBot From Scratch With No Code.
Instructed by: Anton Viborniy | Subject: Marketing, Social Media Marketing


In this video-course I will tell you about creating a chatbot in Facebook messenger with Manychat. After this hourly course you will attract customers using the most modern way of communication. For efficient use of the messenger you need to understand how to work with special tools like Manychat. This software allows you to create chatbots without doing any coding. 80% of the messages received by facebook are opened, on the other side, if a message is received by email it has only a 20% chance of being opened . A lot of people think messengers will be replacing emails, but that isn’t true. Both messengers and emails must work together and complement each other. If you already have email followers, this will make your life easier. You will be able to redirect them to messengers within an hour of starting this course. This will give you a new way for communication. In this course I’m going to tell you about the basic settings in Manychat. We will learn about growth tools, landing pages and creating variative messages for you chatbots. Your viewers will become your customers. Let’s think rationally. This course costs less than getting coffee with your friends, but allows you to get a step by step guide on configuring the most hip tool available. Don’t lose your chance and sign up right now.


  1. You will create a simple chatbot for 1 hour after start
  2. You will create a simple sales funnel in Facebook messenger
  3. You will learn basic function in ManyChat
  4. You will master the first stage of the profession of sales architect
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