How To Make Your First Dollar With Affiliate Marketing

Break Past Your Limiting Beliefs And Make That First Online Sale Today
Instructed by: IMSource Academy | Subject: Marketing, Affiliate Marketing


The biggest mental hurdle you will face when getting started with online marketing is making that first sale... The goal of this course is to give you the confidence to attack your dreams with passion by empowering you with a solid foundation in affiliate marketing. Inside this course you'll learn all the basics, from where to find affiliate offers to promote, to how to write effective ads for those offers, introductions to several different advertising platforms that will allow you to scale your campaigns quickly, as well as other important fundamentals such as why you should be tracking your clicks and ads, and the importance of paying attention to data. We'll also go in depth into some main benefits and features of Facebook, which is one of the largest advertising platforms online. It's also very newbie friendly, and unique in the fact that it allows you to laser target your specific ideal customer like no other platform.


  1. Learn how to create an effective online ad
  2. Understand the basics of affiliate marketing
  3. Become familiar with several popular, scalable advertising platforms such as Facebook
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