How to Start a Business as a Young Entrepreneur Under 22

Business Blueprint Series: Start a new startup, learn entrepreneurship skills and ideal business options for youngsters
Instructed by: Skillay Academy | Subject: Business, Entrepreneurship


Welcome to our course on How to Start a Business as a Young Entrepreneur Under 22 Years Old. This course is designed for young entrepreneurs looking to start a new business career. By the end of the course, you will: - be able to understand entrepreneurship, - grasp 4 ideal business options for young entrepreneurs, you will benefit from more than 30 online resources available for young entrepreneurs, - get practical advice on how to write a business plan, - learn how to register and finance your business, and - understand how to get additional advice either locally or online through mentors or online resources. Course starts by providing an overview of what are the fundamentals for success for successful entrepreneurs. Then, we walk through the business options that are ideal for young entrepreneurs including online business, home based business, freelance work and franchising. Course continues by providing practical tips on what should be included in the business plan, how to finance and how to register legally your business. At the end, we look at practical advice on how to get a local mentor and an online mentor as well as how to access valuable online resources available for young entrepreneurs that are provided in this course.


  1. Fundamentals of entrepreneurship
  2. Identify the options for doing business that are ideal for young entrepreneurs
  3. Grasp the first steps to starting your business
  4. Access to more than 30 online resources for young entrepreneurs
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