Instagram for Newbies [Private Course]

A Step-By-Step Guide To Demystify How Instagram Actually Works
Instructed by: Deepak Shukla | Subject: Marketing, Social Media Marketing
This is private course.


Struggling with Instagram? Aware that it's a huge (600 million+) platform and that everyone and their Uncle Sally is using it? (It's outdoing Snapchat) But you're not really familiar with how it operates? Well in my journey to 10,000 followers and having taken multiple courses upon How To Use Instagram - I've learnt a thing or two along the way. In this course, I'm going to literally hold your hand and walk you through every aspect of Instagram to ensure that you get everything you should do working on the platform.


  1. Set Up And Optimize and Instagram Account
  2. Engage Effectively With Other Users On Instagram
  3. Finding Images To Repost Within Instagram
  4. Understand Instagram Analytics
  5. Engage in Comments, Direct Messaging and Group Conversation
  6. Become Comfortable With The Mechanic of Instagram
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