Instagram Marketing: From scratch to 1000 real followers

How to get noticed on Instagram and grow your following
Instructed by: Frici Barabas | Subject: Marketing, Social Media Marketing


Instagram has 400+ million active daily users worldwide! Your target audience is most probably active on this social network, so YOU have to be present on Instagram in one way or another. In this short course I challenge You to get started right away and grow your presence on Instagram. Nobody talks about getting how to get started on Instagram from 0. Although, I think it is the most important thing because it is actually hard to do it. At first, it looks impossible and it takes up a lot of energy. Most people give up after a week or so. My advice is to not give up and follow the process because it will fruitful in the long term. Whether you want to grow your personal or business Instagram profile, this course will help you get started.


  1. How to build a following on Instagram
  2. How to grow on Instagram
  3. How to create content for Instagram with apps
  4. How to get more exposure on Instagram
  5. How to measure Instagram engagement
  6. Tips on how to grow on Instagram
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