Become an Investment Banker

Comprehensive investment banking preparation training bundle to improve your odds of getting a job on Wall Street
Instructed by: Dennis Cornell | Subject: Business, Finance


Why does investment banking make so much money? Why does investment banking require a top-notch education, stellar grades and extremely competitive business analysts to do their jobs? What is investment banking? Is it investing? Is it banking? In this training program, we’ll answer all your questions, and learn the business of investment banking. This guide is your starting point to an overview of the investment banking industry and training on the behavioral portion of investment banking interviews. We’ll cover the specific industry jargon and go through what is the sell side, the buy side. What is investment banking, asset management, sales and trading, as well as hedge funds. Next, I’ll walk you through some really important concept in financial market. The reason I’m doing this is that Finance knowledge is not only critically important for finance job seekers, but also for anyone who is in business- or wants to own a business. Understanding finance is the “reality check” for your business.


  1. Advance your investment banking career by raising your level of investment banking knowledge and increasing your ability to work quickly and effectively
  2. Be able to work more efficiently after being promoted or hired
  3. Speak the investment banking language
  4. Improve your chances of getting a job on Wall Street
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