Javascript ES6! A Complete Reference Guide to Javascript ES6

Master Javascript's ES6 syntax and start using ES6 syntax in your modern Angular JS, React JS, Meteor JS or Vue JS apps!
Instructed by: Abhay Talreja | Subject: Development, Programming Languages


ES6 is a major update to JavaScript that includes dozens of new features. With a focus on simplicity and readability, this course is an efficient way to find out what is new in JavaScript and most importantly when and how you should use it. Who is This For? Almost everyone! Advanced JavaScript developers will be able to go through the course a little more quickly, but I've designed this course to be as approachable as possible. This isn't JavaScript from scratch, so if you are looking for a beginner course this probably isn't it. You should have some knowledge of functions, variables, Objects, Arrays and other fundamentals. You can check out my other course, if you are just starting Javascript from Scratch! This is the tutorial you've been looking for to master ES6 Javascript. Learn the new concepts of Javascript ES6 that will help you build solid, fast and and up to date projects in a easy and effective way.


  1. You will get an in depth understanding of all the new changes (and the most effective ones) in ES6 for your Javascript Development
  2. You will get ready to more advanced javascript languages like React, Angular, meteor or Vue.
  3. You will be able to write better, faster and efficient code with ES6 syntax in Javascript
  4. You will be able to understand the important changes/introduction that happened to Strings
  5. You will be able to use the newly Introduced Template Literals
  6. You will be having a better understanding the scope and block bindings, using let and const v/s var
  7. You will be able to understand and implement the upgrades that functions have gone through - including default parameters, rest parameters, spread parameters, block level functions and of course the most talked about arrow functions.
  8. You will be able to understand the changes/upgrades that have happened to Objects, the new methods added and see how Prototypes have been given more power.
  9. You will learn Destructuring of Objects and Arrays
  10. You will learn everything about the newly introduced Sets and Maps
  11. You will learn how to use iterators and generators
  12. You will learn how to effectively use Classes and handle inheritance in classes
  13. You will see how the arrays have been improved and most importantly you will be able to use it in your next project
  14. You will learn about asynchronous programming and Promises
  15. You will learn about Modules in ES6
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