Marketing Psychology: How To Become A Master Of Influence

Marketing Funnel Secrets Revealed – How To Easily Sell High-End Products On Autopilot (Real-Life Example Included)
Instructed by: Vladimir Raykov | Subject: Marketing, Growth Hacking


My name is Vladimir Raykov and I have sold over 20000 digital products online ranging from $7 to $497. During the last several years, I’ve been obsessed with learning and implementing cutting-edge marketing strategies that help businesses drive sales today. I’ve invested virtually thousands of dollars in formal and informal education and years sharpening my marketing skills. I’ve analyzed the most successful online entrepreneurs today, their squeeze pages, sales pages, marketing funnels, customer service techniques, conversion techniques, pricing strategies and what I found was shocking! They all use the very same psychological triggers to influence their prospects to buy from them, to become their customers. If I could summarize my findings with only one phrase, here it is - the most successful online entrepreneurs possess what I call - Marketing Influence!


  1. Create Effective Marketing Funnels That Drive Sales
  2. Create Lead Magnets That Your Prospects Desperately Want
  3. Apply The 12-Step Formula For Writing Scripts For Videos That Sell
  4. Write Effective Emails In Your Email Marketing Sequence
  5. Identify Your Target Audience (Demographics & Psychographics)
  6. Influence The Decision Brain Of Your Prospect To Close More Sales
  7. Come Up With Effective Names For Digital Products
  8. Increase The Value Of Your Ideas 10x
  9. Discover The Elements Of High-Converting Squeeze Pages
  10. Communicate To The 4 Learning Styles (by David Kolb)
  11. Create High-Quality Content That Your Customers Will Love
  12. Choose The Right Pricing Strategies And The Ones You Must Avoid
  13. Use The Framing Effect To Influence Buying Decision
  14. Understand When And How To Present The Price Of Your Product
  15. Implement Pricing Tactics To Increase Sales
  16. Price Your Product Line
  17. Increase The Effectiveness Of Your Discount Tactics
  18. Calculate Important Business Metrics (Simple Formulas Provided)
  19. Use The Two Forces (Pain And Pleasure) To Influence Buying Decision
  20. Apply The Power Of Anticipation To Your Marketing
  21. Apply The Urgency Principle To Close More Sales
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