PHP From Scratch : Practical Beginners Introduction

Learn PHP From The Ground Up With Practical Hands-On Examples
Instructed by: Bluelime Learning Solutions | Subject: Development, Programming Languages


PHP is a popular programming language that you can use to write simple code for web pages. If you have been using HTML to develop websites, learning PHP will allow you to create dynamic pages. In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of PHP. The course covers concepts such as how to embed PHP code into an HTML page, and reviews the basic PHP data types such as strings and arrays. The course also covers the different control structures in PHP, how to work with built-in PHP functions, and how to define your own custom functions. PHP is one of the the most popular server-side language used to build dynamic websites.


  1. Build simple PHP website s quicky
  2. Update PHP webpages easily
  3. Setup local Apache server to render PHP files
  4. Understand PHP data types
  5. Write basic PHP Syntax
  6. Use echo and print statements to display text
  7. Use various types of PHP Operators
  8. Create and use variables
  9. Understand variable scopes
  10. Create and understand arrays indexing
  11. Create functions
  12. Use conditional statements
  13. Use Loops
  14. Use Include statements to assemble web pages
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