Learn Optimal Sleep to Improve Your Health, Energy, and Mind

Improve your health, mind, and energy by mastering sleep with this master guide. Includes nutrition and stress tips too.
Instructed by: Scott Britton | Subject: Health & Fitness, General Health


Are you curious about those people who seem to operate on far less sleep, but are still somehow able to be incredibly productive????? Ummmm yeah.. Then join more than 8000+ people who've taken this course and gotten hours more waking time each week, while having more energy each day. The Magical Tale of This Class (and my sleep hacking adventure) I used to spend an average of 7.5-8 hours a night sleeping.... Even though by medical standards this was classified as a sufficient amount, I still found myself tired at times (ARGHH). I was frustrated which is why I started to study and experiment with sleep. Through countless self-experimentations and optimizations over the past year, I've cut down my sleep time down to about 6 hours of sleep and have never had more energy. If you compound this difference over the course of a year, that's more than 4 weeks of additional waking time THAT I GET TO SPEND DOING THINGS I LOVE.


  1. In this course you will learn the foundations of how to get quality sleep. This course will cover all the principal components of how to tailor your lifestyle to achieve optimal sleep.
  2. You will learn specific practices that relate to diet, exercise, morning and evening habits, and environment design that will aid you in your sleep.
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