Try Django 1.9 | Build a Blog and Learn Python's #1 Library

Learn step-by-step to build a Django Blog Web Applications and get your project in the real world today.
Instructed by: Justin Mitchel | Subject: Development, Programming Languages


Try Django 1.9 Tutorial Series (Last Updated: Oct-2016) Three project tutorials to help you launch your project this month. This course teaches you the basics of Django by building an Advanced and Modern Blog; the #1 Web Framework written in Python. Create a Blog with Try Django 1.9 + Advancing the Blog and Learn Django Rest Framework in Blog API section to build a powerful RESTful API service. Django is awesome and very simple to get started. Step-by-step tutorials are to help you understand the workflow, get you started doing something real, then it is our goal to have you asking questions... "Why did I do X?" or "How would I do Y?" These are questions you wouldn't know to ask otherwise. Questions, after all, lead to answers. This is an Ad-Free Version of the Try Django 1.9 Tutorial Series from our Coding Entrepreneurs Youtube Channel. High Res Video Downloads are also included.


  1. Build a Django Blog
  2. Learn Markdown into Django Integration
  3. Learn Django Rest Framework for RESTful API Design
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