Email Marketing Basics: A Step-by-Step Beginner's Guide [100% Off]

Learn how to build your first emil list and setup a basic email marketing strategy for your business.
Instructed by: Sorin Constantin | Subject: Marketing, Digital Marketing

Email Marketing Basics: A Step-by-Step Beginner's Guide Udemy Coupon


The internet and online arena can dramaticly change the direction and course of your business by giving you access to a whole arsenal of marketing methods and a global marketplace that can allow your business to get 10X times bigger than at a local or only national scale. The problem is that marketing channels, softwares, apps and strategies change so fast that many times you don't even get to implement them and they already stop working or aren't fit anymore for your business. This being the situation you need to use strategies that work on the long term and are proven to convert, get you new clients, conversions and PROFITS and build sustainablity for your business.


  1. Build their first email subscribers list
  2. Integrate their list building with their blog or website
  3. Create Campaigns that perform and optimize them
  4. Write Emails that get engagement and build trust
  5. Sell with Email Campaigns
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