Facebook Groups & Marketplace: The Complete Facebook Course [100% Off]

#1 Facebook Domination Course: The complete course for everyone who wants to sell with Facebook
Instructed by: Business Hero | Subject: Marketing, Social Media Marketing

Facebook Groups & Marketplace: The Complete Facebook Course Udemy Coupon


Welcome to the "Complete Facebook Group Domination and Facebook Marketplace Course" that will show you how to build a profitable Facebook group and sell products via Facebook marketplace. My name is Leon Chaudhari, I am a serial entrepreneur, drop shipping expert and I now already serve more than 22.000 students in 26 courses of which 10 are worldwide bestsellers. What will you gain from enrolling in this course? I will start off by teaching you how to build profitable Facebook groups from which I generate more than a 1000 dollars per month. You will learn how to get members engaged, how to sell products inside your group, train community managers and much more! In the chapter about Facebook marketplace we will additionally together learn how to identify products with high margins, how to import products from China via Aliexpress, how to use software tools such as Oberlo and Honey. You will additionally learn how to create location-dependent offers on Facebook Marketplace and set up a Facebook Marketplace online store with thousands of products without having to rent a warehouse or anything - you only need your laptop and no up-front investments have to be made.


  1. Monetize their Facebook groups and generate consistent 5- or 6-figures annually from them
  2. Train a community manager and automate the growth of your Facebook group
  3. Use the Facebook groups analytics tool 'Grytics' to measure engagement and optimize it
  4. Sell products via Facebook Marketplace & build a 1000+ products-strong Facebook marketplace store
  5. Master the art of importing products via Aliexpress from China
  6. and much more!
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